Don’t think your business is a target?Think again

Don’t think your business is a target? Think again

You might think that cyber criminals are only interested in large companies or those with huge financial assets. After all, that’s where the big bucks are, right?

Think again.

Recent reports have shown that cyber criminals are casting their nets wide, targeting businesses of all sizes, from independent shops to global enterprises. And they’re doing it with the help of something called “botnets.”

You may have heard about the rise of malicious botnets, and you’re probably wondering, “what on earth is a botnet, and why should I care?” Botnets are the secret weapons of cyber criminals. They’re armies of compromised devices, all under the control of a single, malicious puppeteer. These can be anything from your computer to your smart fridge. Yes, even your fridge can be turned into a cyber weapon.

A new report observed “massive spikes” in the activity of these botnets, with over a million devices involved in malicious activities at one point. To put it into perspective, that’s a hundred times the usual levels of botnet activity.

Usually, there are around 10,000 devices doing naughty stuff each day, with 20,000 being the highest number researchers had seen. But in December 2023, things got crazy. The number shot up to 35,144, and two weeks later, it rose even further to 43,194. That’s a lot of compromised devices.

And it didn’t stop there; the researchers saw the biggest spike yet, hitting a whopping 143,957 distinct devices being used at the same time. In fact, on the 5th and 6th of January there were spikes of more than a million devices!

Why are they doing this? These botnets are being used to scan the internet, searching for weaknesses in websites, servers, and even email systems.

Think of the internet as a fortress with many doors and windows. These cyber criminals are looking for unlocked doors and open windows to sneak in. They focus on specific “ports” that serve as entry points.

What can you do to protect yourself from these cyber threats?

It’s all about strengthening those doors and windows. Here are a few simple steps:

  • Keep your software, operating systems, and applications up-to-date. Regular updates often fix vulnerabilities.
  • Install a good firewall and reliable antivirus software to protect your devices.
  • Educate your employees about cyber security best practices, such as avoiding suspicious links and emails.
  • Enforce strong, unique passwords for all your accounts and devices.
  • Regularly back up your data to prevent loss in case of a cyber attack.
  • Keep an eye on your network for any unusual activity.
  • Consider hiring a cyber security expert (that’s us) to assess and enhance your security measures.

If we can help you keep your business better protected, get in touch.

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5 New Cybersecurity Threats You Need To Be Very Prepared For This Year

5 New Cybersecurity threats you need to be ready for

The year of 2023 marked a significant turning point for cyber-attacks with the introduction and wide proliferation of AI (artificial intelligence), now in the hands of people who wish to do you harm and who are actively using it to find faster and easier ways to rob you, extort you or simply burn your business to the ground.

As I write this, I’m well aware there’s a tendency to shrug and just accept the “we’re all gonna get hacked anyway” mantra to avoid having to deal with it. Further, like overhyped weather reports, it’s also tempting to just ignore the warning signs, thinking all of this is just fearmongering rhetoric designed to sell stuff.

However, it truly is becoming a situation where the question is no longer IF your organization will be hacked, but WHEN. The Hiscox Cyber Readiness report recently revealed that 53% of all businesses suffered at least ONE cyber-attack over the last 12 months with 21% stating the attack was enough to threaten the viability of their business.

This year is going to be a particularly nasty one, given the U.S. presidential election along with the ongoing wars between Russia and Ukraine and Israel and Hamas. Tensions are high and hacking groups are often motivated by revenge as well as money.

Now, here are the 5 biggest developments in cyber threats you need to know about.

1. The Proliferation Of AI Powered Attacks:

If cybersecurity is a chess game, AI is the Queen, giving the person in possession the most powerful advantage for whomever plays it best. All cyber-related reports expect to see highly sophisticated deepfake social engineering attacks on the rise designed to separate you from your money.

We’ve already seen scams using AI-generated voices of family members, calling relatives to claim they’ve been injured, kidnapped or worse, to extort money. This is also being used to hack into companies by getting employees to provide login information to people they think are their IT department or boss.

This is where employee awareness training comes in, as well as controls such as MFA (multi-factor authentication), come into play. One of the things we do here at Limbtec is Carry out regular Training, and simulated attacks.

2.Increased Risk Of Remote Workers:

The expansion of remote work is a trend that is not going away; and with that comes an exponentially greater risk for cyber threats. From laptops being carried around and connected to suspicious Wi-Fi to mobile phones providing a “key” to logging into critical applications (like your bank account, Microsoft 365, line-of-business and credit card applications), these devices pose a high risk for being easily lost or stolen. Further, when people use their own devices or work remote, they tend to mix business and personal activities on the same device.

That employee who frequents gambling or porn sites may be using the same device used to login to company e-mail or critical applications. Even logging into personal social media sites that get hacked can provide a gateway for a hacker to get to YOUR company’s information through a user’s (employee’s) personal accounts.

3.Escalation Of Ransomware Attacks:

There are an estimated 1.7 million ransomware attacks every day, which means every second 19 people are hacked worldwide. If you’ve been lucky enough to avoid this, know that someone else is getting hacked on a very frequent basis, and you are very likely to be hit.

Last year, ransomware attacks increased by 37% with the average ransom payment exceeding $100,000, with an average demand of $5.3 million.

Fortunately, not all ransom attacks are successful. Businesses are getting much smarter about cyber protections and have been able to put in place protections that prevent hackers from successfully extorting their victims. One of the ways we protect our clients from ransomware is BY using advanced protection measures to help prevent the attack in the first place.

4.IoT Attacks:

IoT, or “Internet of Things,” is a term to describe the proliferation of Internet-connected devices. Today, even kitchen appliances, like a refrigerator, can be connected to the Internet to tell you when it’s time to change the water filter to alerting you if there’s a power outage.

This means hackers have a FAR greater number of access points into your world. If there are 100+ more doors to walk through in a house, you have a much greater security risk than if there are only five. That’s why IoT attacks present such a problem for us, and a huge opportunity for the hackers.

While many people know they should lock their PC, they might not be as meticulous in locking down their fridge or their dog’s tracking collar, but those could all provide access to you, your devices, e-mail, credit card and personal information.

To try and combat the out-of-control tsunami of cybercrime, the government is initiating more comprehensive federal and state laws requiring business owners to have in place “reasonable security” protections for their employees and clients.

The FTC (Federal Trade Commission) has been the most active in this space, bringing numerous actions against companies it alleges failed to implement reasonable security measures, issuing monetary penalties.

Of course, all 50 states plus Washington D.C. have passed laws imposing security requirements as well as data breach notification laws that require businesses to notify anyone whose data and PII (personally identifiable information) has been stolen or accessed by hackers via the company. For example, in California, under the California Privacy Rights Act (CCPA), a business could face a penalty of $100 to $750 per consumer and per incident if that company gets hacked and the court determines they failed to put in place reasonable security procedures.

Not Sure If You’re As Protected And Prepared As You Should Be?

To make sure you’re properly protected, get a FREE, no-obligation Cybersecurity Risk Assessment. During this assessment, we’ll review your entire system so you know exactly if and where you’re vulnerable to an attack.

Schedule your assessment with one of our senior advisors by calling us at 01752 546967 or going to

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How Small Businesses Can Approach Workforce Technology Modernization

Technology plays a pivotal role in driving efficiency, productivity, and competitiveness. For small businesses, workforce technology modernization is both an opportunity and a challenge.

Embracing modern technology can empower small businesses. It can help them thrive in a digital era. Yet many of them don’t keep up with modernization. For example, over 30% of small businesses haven’t upgraded systems in 4+ years.

Some of the reasons SMBs don’t upgrade their tech include:

  • Limited funding
  • Unsure how to modernize technology
  • Stuck in the “old way is fine” mentality

The benefits of upgrading technology are many. One study found the following. That 45% of businesses modernizing tech saw improved ROI for IT investments. Other important benefits include improved employee retention and decreased cybersecurity risk. Not to mention the productivity and time-saving advantages.

Is your small business looking to modernize its workforce technology? Here are some steps to get you started.

Assess Your Current Technology Landscape

The first step in any technology modernization initiative is to conduct an assessment. You need to fully understand your current technological infrastructure. Identify existing strengths and weaknesses. As well as outdated systems and areas where technology could enhance business processes. Understanding your starting point is crucial. It helps in developing a targeted and effective modernization strategy.

Align Technology Goals with Business Objectives

Technology should not be an isolated component. But rather, a strategic enabler aligned with your business goals. Clearly define how technology can support and enhance your business objectives. Whether it’s improving customer engagement. Or streamlining internal processes and expanding market reach. Ensure that your technology modernization efforts align with your overarching business vision.

Focus on Cloud Adoption

The cloud has emerged as a game-changer for businesses of all sizes. Embracing cloud technologies can offer small businesses several benefits. These include scalability, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness.

Consider migrating key applications and data to cloud platforms. This can enhance accessibility, collaboration, and data security. Cloud solutions can also simplify software updates and maintenance. This frees up resources for other strategic initiatives.

Invest in Collaborative Tools

Effective communication and collaboration are essential for small businesses. Invest in collaborative tools and platforms. These ease seamless interaction among team members, regardless of their physical location. Examples are video conferencing, project management, and document sharing tools. These tools can enhance teamwork and productivity. This fosters a cohesive work environment even in remote or hybrid setups.

Look at Cybersecurity Measures

There is an increasing prevalence of cyber threats. So, cybersecurity should be a top priority for small businesses undergoing technology modernization. Put in place robust cybersecurity measures. Focus on protecting sensitive data and customer information. As well as your critical business assets.

Cybersecurity measures include:

  • Firewalls
  • Antivirus software
  • Regular security updates
  • Employee training
  • Threat identification & response

Embrace Mobile-Friendly Solutions

  1. In a world where mobility is paramount, adopting mobile-friendly solutions is key. Ensure that you’ve optimized business applications and platforms for mobile use. This allows employees to work efficiently from various devices. This enhances flexibility. It also accommodates the evolving expectations of the workforce. Employees value the ability to work on the go.

Look at Remote Work Options

The global shift towards remote work has accelerated. Small businesses should prepare to embrace flexible work arrangements. Modernize your technology infrastructure to support remote work options. These provide employees with the tools and connectivity they need. As well as helping them maintain productivity outside of the traditional office environment.

Consider Automation for Efficiency

Automation can significantly improve operational efficiency for small businesses. Identify repetitive, time-consuming tasks. These can often be automated to streamline workflows. Look at things like customer service chatbots and automated invoicing systems. Embracing automation can free up valuable human resources. As well as reduce the risk of errors in routine tasks.

Provide Ongoing Training and Support

Introducing new technologies requires commitment. A commitment to ongoing training and support for your workforce. Ensure that employees have the necessary skills to leverage the new tools effectively. This may involve providing training sessions. As well as creating user-friendly guides. And offering a support system to address any issues that may arise during the transition.

Watch and Adapt to Evolving Technologies

  • Technology is a dynamic field. Staying ahead requires a commitment to watching and adapting to emerging trends. Regularly assess the technology landscape. Work with your IT provider. We’ll help you identify new solutions that could benefit your business. A proactive approach to staying current ensures your small business remains competitive.

Need Help Upgrading Your Workforce Technology?

Workforce technology modernization is not a one-size-fits-all endeavor. It’s a strategic journey that requires careful planning. As well as alignment with business objectives. By embracing these practical strategies, small businesses can leverage technology. And use it to enhance their operational capabilities. They also position themselves for sustained success in the digital age.

Need help with workforce technology modernization? Give us a call today to schedule a chat.Article used with permission from The Technology Press.

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This new search feature in Edge is a revolution

This new search feature in Edge is a revolution

Microsoft’s at it again, presenting us with new features week after week. This time it’s all about making our online searches smarter and more efficient in the Edge browser. If you’ve been on the fence about switching to it, this might just be the push you need.

Edge has a cool new feature, as revealed by Mikhail Parakhin, CEO of Advertising and Web Services at Microsoft. Imagine this: you’re searching for something important for your business – maybe it’s market research or the latest trends in your industry. You type in your query, and you get results from not one but two search engines at the same time.

How does it work?

Let’s break it down. Say Bing is your default search engine. Now, when you hit the search icon, you won’t just see Bing’s results, you’ll also get a peek at what Google (or your alternative search engine of choice) has to offer. This dual view works both ways, ensuring you’re not missing out on any valuable information.

In business, information is gold. Having access to comprehensive search results means you’re more likely to find the most relevant, diverse, and valuable information. No more switching between browsers or tabs to compare search results – Edge now does that for you in a single view.

Some people have raised concerns about potential visual clutter from combining two engines’ results. It’s a valid point, and thankfully, Microsoft is listening. Parakhin hinted at the possibility of customising your ‘backup’ search engine to streamline the experience. While the sidebar’s width is currently fixed, there’s an openness to explore deeper customisation options soon.

This feature in Edge is quite a lure. It simplifies the task of searching, making research quicker and more effective. You get the best of both worlds without the hassle of juggling multiple windows.

And it’s more than just a convenience; it’s a step towards smarter, more efficient browsing, especially for us in the business community. It demonstrates Microsoft’s commitment to improving user experience and staying competitive in the browser game.

For current Edge fans, this is an exciting upgrade. For everyone else, it’s a compelling reason to consider making the switch.

Need a hand finding time-saving tools for your business? Get in touch.

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Top Data Breaches of 2023:Numbers Hit an All-Time High      

Top Data Breaches of 2023:Numbers Hit an All-Time High

The battle against cyber threats is an ongoing challenge. Unfortunately, 2023 has proven to be a watershed year for data breaches. Data compromises have surged to an all-time high in the U.S. This is based on data from the first 9 months of the year. Meaning that numbers will only end up higher for the year.

The last data breach record was set in 2021. That year, 1,862 organizations reported data compromises. Through September of 2023, that number was already over 2,100.

In Q3 of 2023, the top data compromises were:

  • HCA Healthcare
  • Maximus
  • The Freecycle Network
  • IBM Consulting
  • CareSource
  • Duolingo
  • Tampa General Hospital
  • PH Tech

This data underscores the relentless efforts of cybercriminals to exploit vulnerabilities. As well as access sensitive information. Let’s take a look at the main drivers of this increase. And the urgent need for enhanced cybersecurity measures.

1. The Size of the Surge

The numbers are staggering. Data breaches in 2023 have reached unprecedented levels. They’ve increased significantly compared to previous years. The scale and frequency of these incidents is concerning. They emphasize the evolving sophistication of cyber threats. As well as the challenges organizations face in safeguarding their digital assets.

2. Healthcare Sector Under Siege

One of the most disturbing trends is the escalating number of breaches in healthcare. Healthcare organizations are the custodians of highly sensitive patient information. As a result, they’ve become prime targets for cybercriminals. The breaches jeopardize patient privacy. They also pose serious risks to the integrity of medical records. This creates a ripple effect that can have long-lasting consequences.

3. Ransomware Reigns Supreme

Ransomware attacks continue to dominate the cybersecurity landscape. Cybercriminals are not merely after data. They are wielding the threat of encrypting valuable information. Then demanding ransom payments for its release. The sophistication of ransomware attacks has increased. Threat actors are employing advanced tactics to infiltrate networks and encrypt data. They are also using many different methods to extort organizations for financial gain.

4. Supply Chain Vulnerabilities Exposed

Modern business ecosystems have an interconnected nature. This has made supply chains a focal point for cyberattacks. The compromise of a single entity within the supply chain can have cascading effects. It can impact several organizations downstream. Cybercriminals are exploiting these interdependencies. They use vulnerabilities to gain unauthorized access to a network of interconnected businesses.

5. Emergence of Insider Threats

External threats remain a significant concern. But the rise of insider threats is adding a layer of complexity. It’s added to the already complex cybersecurity landscape. Insiders inadvertently contribute to data breaches. Whether through malicious intent or unwitting negligence. Organizations are now grappling with a challenge. They need to distinguish between legitimate user activities and potential insider threats.

6. IoT Devices as Entry Points

The proliferation of Internet of Things (IoT) devices has expanded the attack surface. There’s been an uptick in data breaches originating from compromised IoT devices. These connected endpoints range from smart home devices to industrial sensors. They are often inadequately secured. This provides cyber criminals with entry points to exploit vulnerabilities within networks.

7. Critical Infrastructure in the Crosshairs

Critical infrastructure has become a target of choice for cyber attackers. This includes energy grids, water supplies, and transportation systems. The potential consequences of a successful breach in these sectors are often financial. But that’s not all. They can also extend to public safety and national security. As cyber threats evolve, safeguarding critical infrastructure has become an urgent imperative.

8. The Role of Nation-State Actors

Geopolitical tensions have spilled into the digital realm. Nation-state actors are increasingly playing a role in sophisticated cyber campaigns. These actors are often driven by political motives. They use advanced techniques to compromise sensitive data and disrupt operations. This is to advance their strategic interests in the global cyber landscape.

9. The Need for a Paradigm Shift in Cybersecurity

The surge in data breaches underscores the need to rethink cybersecurity strategies. It’s no longer a question of if an organization will be targeted but when. Proactive measures include:

  • Robust cybersecurity frameworks
  • Continuous monitoring
  • A culture of cyber awareness

These are essential for mitigating the risks posed by evolving cyber threats.

10. Collaboration and Information Sharing

Collaboration among organizations and information sharing within the cybersecurity community are critical. Especially as cyber threats become more sophisticated. Threat intelligence sharing enables a collective defense against common adversaries. This allows organizations to proactively fortify their defenses. They do this based on insights gained from the broader cybersecurity landscape.

Protect Your Business from Devastating Data Breaches

The surge in data breaches in 2023 serves as a stark reminder. It reminds us of the evolving and pervasive nature of cyber threats. There is an urgent need for heightened cybersecurity awareness and robust defensive measures. As well as a commitment to adapt to the ever-changing tactics of cybercriminals.

Need help protecting your business? Give us a call today to schedule a chat.Article used with permission from The Technology Press.

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How Can You Leverage theNew MS Teams Payment App?

New Teams Payment App

Are you a small business owner or a freelancer who offers services online? If so, you might be wondering how to get paid by your customers in a fast and convenient way. You might have tried different payment platforms. But they often require you to switch between different apps or websites. This can be time-consuming and confusing.

There is now another option to streamline the payment process. Microsoft has launched the Teams Payments app. This is a new feature that allows you to request and receive payments from your customers. You do it within Microsoft Teams meetings.

The Teams Payments app is currently available in the United States and Canada. Subscribers to Teams Essentials and Microsoft 365 business get it at no charge.

How Does the Teams Payment App Work?

The Teams Payments app is simple to use. You can get the app from the Microsoft AppStore. You add it to your Teams account and connect it to your preferred payment service. You can choose from:

  • Stripe
  • PayPal
  • GoDaddy

Once you have set up the app, you can start requesting payments from your customers in Teams meetings.

How Do You Send a Payment Request?

To send a payment request, you just need to open the meeting chat. Then, select the Payments icon from the messaging extensions. Then, you can fill out a simple form. It includes the amount, currency, description, and recipients of your request.

You can send the same request to several people if you want. The app will generate a card that shows the status of each payment, whether it is unpaid or paid.

Image credit: Microsoft

Your customers will see the same card in their meeting chat. They can click on the Pay Now button to complete their payment. The system will redirect them to the payment service that you have connected to the app. There, they can enter their payment details and confirm their transaction.

Once they have done that, they will see a confirmation message in the chat. You will receive a notification that your payment has been processed.

Image credit: Microsoft

Benefits of Using the Teams Payment App

The Teams Payments app has many benefits. Both for small businesses and freelancers who offer online services. Here are some of them:

It saves time and hassle.

You don’t need to switch between different apps or websites. You can easily request and receive payments from your customers. You can do everything within Teams meetings. This makes it more convenient and efficient for both parties.

It increases customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Your customers will appreciate the ease of paying you through Teams meetings. They don’t need to create an account or download an app to pay you. They can complete their transaction in a few clicks right inside the meeting.

It boosts your revenue and cash flow.

You can get paid faster and more securely by using the Teams Payments app. You don’t need to wait for invoices or checks to clear. You can receive your money within minutes of completing a service. Either directly into your bank account or PayPal account.

It enhances your professional image and credibility.

You can show your customers that you are using a reliable and trusted payment platform. One built by a well-known company that has been a technology leader for decades. You can also add a seller policy to your payment requests. Here you can specify your terms and conditions, cancellation policy, refund policy, etc.

It helps you keep track of payments.

Keeping track of payments is crucial for financial management. With the Teams Payments App, you can track transactions in real-time. You’ll receive instant notifications for successful payments. It will help you maintain a comprehensive record of your financial interactions.

It’s seamlessly integrated with Microsoft 365.

The Teams Payments App seamlessly integrates with Microsoft 365. You can leverage the power of Microsoft’s ecosystem. Using it to manage your communications, collaborations, and payments together. No need for more logins or complicated setups – it’s all within one platform.

It increases productivity.

Efficiency is the key to productivity. You reduce the time spent on payment-related tasks by integrating Payments into Teams. This efficiency translates into increased productivity. It allows you and your team to focus on core business activities and driving growth.

The Teams Payments app marks a significant leap in digital business transactions. By leveraging this powerful tool, you’re simplifying payments. You’re also enhancing customer experiences, ensuring data security, and boosting productivity.

We Can Help You Get More Out of Microsoft 365

The Teams Payments app is a great way to simplify and streamline your payment process. It can help you save time, increase customer satisfaction, and boost revenue.

Need help with this or other Microsoft 365 tools? Our experts can work with you to help you make the most out of your Microsoft subscription.

Give us a call today to schedule a chat.

Article used with permission from The Technology Press.

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Here’s what’s in store for the last ever Windows ‘Moments’ update

Here’s what’s in store for the last ever Windows ‘Moments’ update

Microsoft is soon going to release its latest update for Windows 11, known as “Moment 5” or the “February 24 Moment.” This update is expected to start rolling out in the next few weeks and it comes with some noteworthy changes that you’ll want to keep an eye on.

But first, let’s address one thing: After this update, Microsoft is going back to its roots with annual updates for Windows 11.

What does that mean for you? Well, it means you can expect more stability and fewer major overhauls to your operating system. It’s time to bid farewell to those frequent “moment” updates and embrace a more predictable schedule.

Now, let’s dive into what Moment 5 has in store for us…

One of the standout features of this update is the enhancement of Windows 11’s built-in accessibility features. Microsoft is improving the user experience for those who rely on these.

Voice Access now supports multiple monitors and additional languages. It introduces “voice shortcuts” for custom voice-activated commands. Narrator gains the ability to preview new natural voices and works alongside voice access for various tasks.

One notable change is the ability to write directly into text boxes using a stylus across the operating system. This feature streamlines the use of digital pens, eliminating the need for a dedicated handwriting panel.

For the first time ever, Microsoft is making some in-box apps uninstallable. Apps like Edge, Camera, and Photos can be removed if you don’t intend to use them.

Microsoft is also making the Windows Search pane more flexible. This update allows third-party search providers like Google or Yahoo to create plugins for the Windows Search pane. So, if you prefer another search engine over Bing (and let’s face it, many of us do), you’ll have the option to switch.

The Nearby Share feature (it’s like Apple’s AirDrop) gets a boost with “friendly name” support. You can give your PC a more readable name, making file sharing more user-friendly. Additionally, Windows Spotlight, which displays Bing’s background of the day, will become the default wallpaper setting.

Copilot is getting better. It can now be “undocked,” making it more versatile and accessible. You’ll also find the Copilot interface in the Windows ALT+TAB menu for quick and easy access.

And Microsoft is making changes to the Widgets Board. You’ll be able to disable Microsoft News integration, allowing for a widget-only layout if you prefer not to have news headlines in your Widgets Board. Plus, third-party news services can build plugins to integrate with the Widgets Board, providing more options for users.

Notepad will include a character count feature and an “Edit with Notepad” shortcut in context menus for select file types.

In a nutshell, Moment 5 brings a host of improvements and enhancements to Windows 11, making it more accessible, user-friendly, and versatile.

For business owners, these updates can improve productivity and streamline workflows for you and your team. If you haven’t already made the move to Windows 11, now’s the time! We can help you with that – get in touch.

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11 Ways to Responsibly Get Rid of E-Waste at Your Home or Office

How to dispose of E-Waste

In our tech-driven world, electronic devices have become indispensable. But with constant upgrades, what happens to the old gadgets? They tend to pile up and eat up storage space. But you can’t just throw them in the trash. E-waste poses a significant environmental threat if not disposed of responsibly.

E-waste is a term that refers to electronic devices that are no longer useful or wanted. These include things like:

  • Computers
  • Laptops
  • Smartphones
  • Tablets
  • Printers
  • Cameras
  • TVs
  • and more

E-waste can contain hazardous materials. Such as lead, mercury, cadmium, and brominated flame retardants. These can harm the environment and human health if they are not disposed of properly.

E-waste comprises about 70% of toxic waste. People only recycle 12.5% of it.

So, what can you do to responsibly get rid of e-waste at your home or office? Here are some tips.

1. Understand What Makes Up E-Waste

E-waste includes old computers, smartphones, printers, and other electronic devices. It also comprises batteries, chargers, and even cables. Understanding what makes up e-waste is the first step towards responsible disposal.

Most people simply aren’t aware of what e-waste includes. This is a big reason that most of it ends up in landfills. Which is not good for us or the environment.

2. Reduce Your E-Waste

The next step is to reduce the amount of e-waste you generate in the first place. This means buying only what you need. Also choosing durable and energy-efficient products. As well as extending the lifespan of your devices by repairing them when possible.

Before buying a new electronic device, ask if it’s necessary. Can more than one person share a company tablet, for example? In some cases, everyone in a family or office might not need a duplicate device.

3. Explore Recycling Programs

Many electronics retailers and manufacturers have recycling programs. Research local options. Retailers often collect old gadgets, ensuring they are recycled or disposed of properly. These programs are convenient and eco-friendly.

4. Use E-Waste Recycling Centers

E-waste recycling centers specialise in disposing of electronic devices safely. They dismantle gadgets, recycle valuable components, and dispose of hazardous materials responsibly. Locate a certified e-waste recycling center near you for proper disposal.

Here are a few sites where you can find recycling centers:

5. Consider Donating or Selling Functioning Devices

If your old devices are still functional, consider donating them. Many charities and schools accept functional electronics. Or you can sell them online through reputable platforms. This gives gadgets a new life and reduces e-waste.

Make sure you properly clean data from old devices first. You don’t want someone having access to your online banking app or all your family photos. Keep on reading for tips on doing this properly.

6. Dispose of Batteries Separately

Batteries, especially rechargeable ones, contain hazardous materials. Many retailers and recycling centers have dedicated bins for battery disposal. Always separate batteries from other e-waste for proper handling.

7. Try Manufacturer Take-Back Programs

Several electronic manufacturers offer take-back programs. When you buy a new device, inquire about their disposal programs. Some manufacturers take back old gadgets, ensuring responsible recycling or refurbishment.

8. Opt for Certified E-Waste Recyclers

When using e-waste recycling services, choose certified recyclers. Look for certifications like R2 or e-Stewards. These certifications ensure that the recycling process meets high environmental standards. As well as data security protocols.

9. Educate Your Office or Household

Awareness is key. Educate your office or household about the importance of responsible e-waste disposal. Encourage everyone to take part and follow proper disposal methods.

10. Repurpose or Upcycle

Get creative. You can often repurpose or upcycle old electronics. Turn an old computer monitor into a digital photo frame. Use smartphone parts for DIY projects. Upcycling reduces waste and adds a touch of innovation

11. Encourage Manufacturer Responsibility

Support companies that take environmental responsibility seriously. Choose products from manufacturers committed to sustainable practices and responsible e-waste management.

Make Sure to Secure Data Before Disposal, Sale, or Donation

Before parting with your devices, wipe all data. Otherwise, you could become the victim of cybercrime. It’s not unusual for criminals to troll dumps for old electronics. Remove all traces of your data to keep yourself protected.

Use reliable data erasure software. Or consult with an IT professional to securely wipe information from old gadgets. Data security is crucial even in disposal.

Get Help Backing Up & Cleaning Devices

It’s important to both back up and remove all data from devices before you get rid of them. We can help with expert data migration from the old device to the new one. As well as thorough data cleaning to ensure all information is removed.

Give us a call today to schedule a chat.

Article used with permission from The Technology Press.

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7 Transformative Technology Trends Changing the Way We Work

Tech Trends

Technology is reshaping the world of work at an unprecedented pace. From artificial intelligence to web3, from the metaverse to the hybrid work model. We are witnessing a series of technological revolutions. They are transforming how we communicate, collaborate, create, and innovate.

Let’s explore some of the most impactful technology trends that are changing the way we work in 2024 and beyond.

1. Artificial Intelligence

AI and Generative AI are not just buzzwords. They are transforming the workplace. These technologies enable automation, allowing teams to handle mundane tasks more efficiently. They free up human resources for more creative and strategic endeavors.

AI is not a new concept, but it has become more powerful and accessible in recent years. This is thanks to advances in computing power, data availability, and algorithm development.

Artificial intelligence is now augmenting and automating various aspects of work. This includes data analysis, customer service, image creation, product design, and more.

But AI also poses significant challenges and risks. This includes ethical dilemmas, social implications, and workforce displacement. Thus, it’s essential to adopt responsible and human-centric approaches to AI. As well as ensure that workers have the skills and support to adapt to the changing nature of work.

2. Remote Collaboration Tools

Advanced collaboration tools have facilitated the rise of remote work. These include video conferencing, project management software, and cloud-based document sharing platforms.

This technology empowers teams to collaborate seamlessly from different corners of the globe. These tools break down geographical barriers, allowing for efficient teamwork and real-time communication.

3. Hybrid Work Model

The hybrid work model is a term that describes the combination of remote and in-office work. This is not a new concept, but it has become more prevalent in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic.

The hybrid work model offers many benefits, such as:

  • Increased productivity
  • Reduced costs
  • Improved work-life balance
  • Enhanced employee satisfaction
  • Improved employee retention

The hybrid work model is transforming the way we work. It requires workers to have new skills, tools, and strategies. For example, hybrid work requires workers to have several capabilities to work effectively. These include strong digital literacy, communication, collaboration, and self-management skills.

4. Web3: The Decentralized Internet

Web3 is a term that refers to the next generation of the internet. An internet based on decentralized technologies, such as:

  • Blockchain
  • Cryptocurrencies
  • Smart contracts
  • Peer-to-peer networks

Web3 aims to create a more open, transparent, secure, and democratic internet. One where users have more control over their own data, identity, and digital assets. 

Web3 also enables new forms of collaboration and value creation. This includes:

  • Decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs)
  • Non-fungible tokens (NFTs)
  • Decentralized finance (DeFi)
  • Social tokens

Web3 is transforming the way we work. It’s creating new business models, platforms, and communities. These are designed to be more inclusive, participatory, and innovative.

Web3 has the potential to generate $49.10 billion in economic value by 2030.

5. Internet of Things (IoT) in the Workplace

IoT devices are creating smart and optimised workplaces. This includes smart thermostats that adjust office temperatures based on occupancy. As well as wearable devices that track employees’ health and productivity. This connectivity enhances efficiency and reduces energy consumption. It also provides valuable data for informed decision-making.

6. Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR)

AR and VR technologies are revolutionizing training, design, and customer interactions. In the workplace, AR and VR offer immersive training experiences. These allow employees to learn complex tasks in a simulated environment. These technologies are also used in product design. This enables professionals to visualise and modify prototypes in real time. This drives faster innovation cycles.

7. Cybersecurity Advancements

As digital technologies advance so do cybersecurity threats. Businesses are investing in advanced cybersecurity measures to protect sensitive data. As well as ensuring the privacy of employees and customers.

These innovations include biometric authentication and AI-driven threat detection. Cybersecurity advancements are crucial. They help companies safeguard digital assets and maintain trust in the online workspace.

The Impact on the Future of Work

These transformative technology trends are not just fleeting novelties. They are shaping the future of work. Businesses that adapt and embrace these technologies gain a competitive edge.

Remote collaboration tools foster flexibility and work-life balance, appealing to the modern workforce. AI and automation enhance efficiency, reducing errors and operational costs.

IoT creates intelligent workspaces, enhancing employee well-being and environmental sustainability. AR and VR drive innovation, offering new ways to engage both employees and customers.

Challenges and Considerations

While these technologies bring immense benefits, they also pose challenges. Workforce training is essential to ensure employees can leverage these tools effectively. Additionally, there are ethical considerations about data privacy and security. As well as the impact of automation on employment. Striking a balance between technological advancement and human welfare is crucial. Especially in this transformative era.

Let Us Guide You Successfully Through Digital Transformation

Navigating new technologies can be complex. There are pitfalls that can waste time and money. Avoid this by working with our team of experts. We can help you customise your transformation to fit your business goals.

Give us a call today to schedule a chat.

Article used with permission from The Technology Press.

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Microsoft wants you to pay for updates

Microsoft wants you to pay for updates

Microsoft has announced that starting on 14th October 2025, they will no longer provide free support and security updates for Windows 10.

While the idea of paying for updates might raise some eyebrows, let’s put this into perspective. By 2025, Windows 10 will be a decade old, and Microsoft is likely to have introduced Windows 12. And as we know, Windows 11 is available today.

Supporting multiple old operating systems can be quite a handful, even for a tech giant like Microsoft.

2025 may seem like a way off, but it’s a good idea to start weighing up your options now. Here they are:

Option 1: Upgrade to Windows 11

Microsoft’s preferred option is for you to switch to Windows 11. It’s got some fantastic features and free updates until its end of life.

Option 2: Stick with Windows 10 and pay

You can choose to stay with Windows 10, but you’ll need to pay for security updates (no new features, though). The exact cost isn’t known yet. It’ll likely be a subscription for monthly updates.

Option 3: Stick with Windows 10 and don’t update it

Sure, you can continue using Windows 10 without paying, but this isn’t advisable. Without updates, your business’s PCs will become vulnerable to threats and security issues. And without Microsoft’s support to fix problems, even tech experts like us have nowhere to go for help. Please don’t take this option!

You’ve got until October 2025 to decide, so there’s no rush. But if you want your business to thrive this year, we’d highly recommend upgrading to Windows 11 sooner than later. You’ll immediately benefit from some features that could improve your processes and make your team’s jobs easier. 

If you’re considering the move to Windows 11, or exploring other options, we’re here to help make the transition smooth and hassle-free. Get in touch.

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