Google Chrome is going to block notifications

Google are looking to block disruptive notifications, we explore what they are, and why Google is doing this.

When you’re browsing it can feel like you’re being bombarded with things other people want you to see.

Not only do we have to click on permissions for cookies and tracking, but now a lot of websites ask for our permission to send us notifications.

And while many of these notifications are harmless – news updates, latest recipes, product releases – sometimes they can be outright spam.

It’s distracting, it’s making us less productive at work, and it’s just really annoying.

It’s called ‘notification spam’ and it’s becoming a problem. In fact, Google says it’s one of the top complaint reports from people using its Chrome browser.

So now the tech giant has decided to do more about it disruptive notifications.

Back in October 2020, Google first acted on harmful notifications by exposing websites that misled people into giving permission. It created its own prompts to warn people the website may have malicious intent.

Now, Google intends to take things a step further if it feels the website is ‘abusive’ or ‘disruptive’. It’ll revoke a website’s permission to send notifications, and even block attempts to request permission.

Even if you’ve accidentally allowed a malicious site to send notifications. Chrome will be able to step in and block the alerts.

While it’s not yet clear how Google will define websites as ‘abusive’ or ‘disruptive’, it feels like a good move towards reducing the amount of spam we’re exposed to.

Google has explained that this new feature works to strengthen its ‘Developer Terms of Service’ that pledge not to use the company’s API to send any form of spam. It shouldn’t affect the majority of websites, but instead should go some way to keeping your Chrome notifications spam-free.

Development on Chrome’s notification spam block protection has only just started, so we don’t yet have a release date for the new feature.

As always, get in touch if you would like help to protect yourself.

Published with permission from Your Tech Updates.

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3 common cyber security mistakes?

As a security first IT services company we know our customers are being warned almost daily from many sources about Cyber Security.

Well that is because last year, ransomware attacks alone affected 73% of UK businesses.

And the cost of cyber-crime is estimated to hit $10.5 trillion by 2025, according to the ‘2022 Cybersecurity Almanac’.

But we’re still seeing far too many businesses that aren’t taking action, we firmly believe this is simply because this may all be far too overwhelming.

However it’s not only your data that you could lose if your company falls victim to a cyber-attack. The cost of remediation or mitigation can run into tens of thousands of £££.

And at the same time you’ll suffer an average of 21 days downtime after a cyber-attack. Imagine… 21 days without being able to use all your business technology as normal. It doesn’t bear thinking about.

That’s not to mention the loss of trust your clients have in you, which could lead to you losing their custom.

It’s really important that your business is taking appropriate steps to keep your data safe and secure.

That most likely means a layered approach to your security. This is where several solutions are used, which work together to give you a level of protection appropriate to your business.

This reduces your risk of being attacked. And makes recovery easier should you fall victim.

It’s worth pointing out that you will never be able to keep your business 100% protected from cyber-attacks. Not without totally locking down every system, to the point where it would be very difficult to do business (and your staff would constantly be looking for ways around the enhanced security).

No, the key to excellent cyber security is striking the right balance between protection and usability.

There are three mistakes that are most commonly made by businesses – and they’re also some of the most dangerous mistakes to make.

Is your business making any of these?

Mistake 1) Not restricting access

Different employees will have different needs when accessing company files and applications. If you allow everyone access to everything it opens up your entire network to criminals.

You should also make sure to change access rights when someone changes roles, and revoke them when they leave.

Mistake 2) Allowing lateral movement

If cyber criminals gain access to a computer used by a member of your admin team, that in itself might not be a disaster.

But what if they could move from your admin system to your invoicing system… and from there to your CRM… and then into someone’s email account?

This is known as lateral movement. The criminals gain access to one system and work their way into more sensitive systems.

If they can get into the email of someone who has admin rights to other systems or even the company bank account, they can start resetting passwords and locking out other people.

Scary stuff.

One strategy against this is called air gapping. It means that there’s no direct access from one part of your network to another.

Mistake 3) Not planning and protecting

Businesses that work closely with their IT partner to prepare and protect are less likely to be attacked in the first place.

And will be back on their feet faster if the worst does happen.

You should also have an up-to-date plan in place that details what to do, should an attack happen.

This will significantly shorten the amount of time it takes to respond to an attack. That means you’ll limit your data loss and the cost of putting things right again.

If you know you’re making one (two, or even three) of these mistakes in your business, you need to act quickly. We can help.

Call us, and we’ll review your current security arrangements.

Published with permission from Your Tech Updates.

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Three new Teams features to look forward to

3 new features in teams coming soon

Over the last couple of years and fuelled by the pandemic the use of Teams has exploded. It is now used by 270 million people every month. Whilst the growth in usage has slowed recently it is still the go to collaboration tool for a lot of organisations. And here are three new teams features to look forward to.

As you read this, you may be thinking how did we work before Teams!

It gives us all the ability to stay connected regardless of where we are working. And gives us those collaboration tools we need to work the way we work today.

Because it is part of Microsoft 35 packages, it is the logical solution to keep the team working on projects with no fuss.

Microsoft is constantly making improvements and adding features. Over the past few months, they have added new features like the virtual whiteboard, which you can use to throw around ideas during your video meetings. Also the ability to pin chat to the top.

There are 3 new features coming soon they are

  1. Coming later this month (hopefully) when you rename a Teams channel, it will automatically change the name of the SharePoint Folder.
  2. Chat with self feature. This feature will allow you to send yourself notes and messages, putting the I into team!
  3. Teams Calls will give you the same experience when using the Teams app and the web browser version.

That is the Three new Teams features to look forward to. If you need help to get the most out of Teams, contact us, if you just want to watch this on video visit our tech update page.

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Why your Windows Updates may fail!

So you do what you believe is right and install those windows updates as soon as they become available. Congratulations, but it might not be enough!

Microsoft has just released a piece of information which is crucial to ensuring your computer remains up to date, and you will need to take action to achieve this.

Windows Updates are crucial for all of our devices.

Updates are released regularly to help protect us from the security flaws and vulnerabilities that cyber criminals will exploit. Also, these updates help us by making software and applications more usable and adding new features.

It’s best practice to run updates as soon as possible on every machine across your business. If you do this already well done, if you don’t perhaps you should talk to us to help you?

There’s a but

According to Microsoft, an enormous number of Windows PCs aren’t up to date.


So what’s happening?

  1. Some of it maybe staff clicking the ‘later’ button when they get the update notifications. As updates can be time consuming and sometimes people need to get on with their work. Though we certainly don’t condone this behaviour we do understand it.
  2. Technical problems with updates may account for some of these out-of-date PCs, too.

But the majority of update issues are coming from something else entirely…

Microsoft Windows needs to be connected to the internet for a very long time for updates to work properly. Recently Microsoft stated that devices need to remain on and connected to the internet for a minimum of two consecutive hours, and six hours in total. That gives your device time to successfully download the update and install it.

Here is what to do to make sure Windows Update Succeed.

It is simple you need to make sure your devices are all left on and powered up overnight.

This may also mean that you have to check your Power Management settings, to stop your devices from going into hibernation mode or deep sleep too quickly.

To offset any environmental impact you should also ensure you’re following the recommended power settings on each device. If you’d like any help checking these settings, and that all of your devices are running the latest security updates, just get in touch.

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Some of your staff REALLY want to work from home permanently.

Here’s how you can make it happen

In the last 2 years working from home has come of age.

Whilst Many have loved it, others realised they preferred an office environment.

But would you hazard a guess at how many people would like to make remote working a permanent option?

According to a new report, a whopping 96% of employees want to solely work from home, even when the pandemic is over.

They’d be willing to take a pay cut to make that happen.

But wait – it gets even more shocking.

Of these people, a third said they’d be willing to sacrifice HALF of their monthly wage to do so.

Not only that, but they’d give up their health benefits and even paid time off.

Are you as shocked at those figures as we are?

In terms of work/life balance, some people have never had it better. And now that things are slowly recovering, they’re not going to give it up without a fight.

Many of your people might not want to go back to the stress, the distraction, the commuting…

And it’s likely some of them don’t want to leave their beloved pets on their own!

As an employer, giving the option to make remote or hybrid work permanent seems like an ideal solution. You’ve already seen that your people can be trusted to do a great job wherever they work. You may even have seen an increase in motivation and productivity.

Your business could even cut down on some of its fixed costs – office space is the big saving.

Of course, there’s more to consider than how much you trust your team to continue doing a great job. Or how much you could be saving on office space.

If you haven’t already done so, you’ll need to make sure that everyone’s home working set-ups are suitable.

If you’ve only had temporary work from home measures in place for the last 2 years, it’s time to make them official.

The first priority for work from home is to look at data security.

How do your people access your network? Do they have the right security measures installed on their devices? Are their home networks protected from unauthorised access? Can you stop their children using company devices?

But it’s not just security that you need to consider.

Look at the collaboration tools you’re using. If your team is unlikely to be in the same place at the same time, should you invest in a better solution to make sure communication doesn’t suffer?

As well as reporting on salary sacrifices, the report also found that nearly 2 in 5 people feel ignored in video meetings.

Upgrading their equipment and devices might be the answer. Professional quality webcams and microphones can help by making sure video quality is high and that voices are heard.

Don’t forget that older laptops or desktops will need to be upgraded every few years to make sure they’re performing well and costing you less to maintain. If you’d like any help making sure your home working setups are right for permanent remote workers, just give us a call.

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Walkie Talkie coming to Teams

Microsoft Teams has a new feature – Walkie Talkie!

It has been available on Android Devices for a little while now. It is now coming to iOS devices, so it could be a very useful feature for your teams. We think this will become a powerful communication tool, and will be using when on site.

Let’s look at what it is before we explore how you’d use it.

If you were alive back in the 1980s, you’ll remember real walkie talkies. They were the coolest way to talk to your friends on the move – long before we had mobiles.

If you’re too young to remember the 80s, then go watch a few episodes of Stranger Things and you’ll get the idea.

With a walkie talkie you press a button to talk, and everyone who has a device on the same frequency as yours can hear you speak.

They can only reply when you let go of the button. And only one person can speak at a time.

What that gives you is ordered real time voice conversation between a group of people.

This new Teams feature works in exactly the same way.

There’s no need to call anyone. Like a real walkie talkie you just push a button on your phone to speak, and everyone in your team channel can hear you.

It works on both Android and iOS devices, so long as they’re connected to the internet. It even works if your phone is locked.

Walkie talkie was originally created with front-line workers in mind.

The idea is that when you are on a client site, you can quickly and securely communicate with the office. And those on site with you, withe less hassle.

We can see this being useful for remote workers too. Doesn’t matter whether your team are in the office or working from home – they can have a voice conversation in real time, instantly.

Just like the old days when everyone worked in the same space.

Can you see how that would help your business?

Before you can use walkie talkie in Teams, you’ll need to make sure it’s enabled. Your administrator will need to do this in the Teams admin centre – it’s really easy.

If you’d like us to help you set up walkie talkie for your business, just give us a call.

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Why you should use a password Manager.

As I settle down to write this, I am aware that last there were stories in the media that a password manager called LastPass, may have had some of its customers master passwords compromised.

LastPass deny this.

Do you use a password manager in your business?

We do and we highly recommend our clients use one as well.  The purpose of this blog article is to help explain the benefits of using one.

But first……

What is a password manager and how does it work?

Almost everyone has hundreds of passwords to allow access to a variety of online services. Most business owners will have even more.

For most of these services your username will be your email address, you then have a password. And then possibly the use of something called multi-factor authentication (where you enter a code, or confirm it is you by clicking allow on another app).

It is very easy to get hold of the email address, and with the use of automated software relatively easy to crack most passwords being used (check the strength of your password)

The software is equipped with a dictionary of popular passwords and words used, for example 12345678, Fluffy, Ben etc.

This is why using your name, child name, sports team etc. is not a good idea for your password.

One method used by hackers is once they have a password for one service, is to try this on multiple other services. This means as soon as one service is breeched then they could gain access to countless other services you use.

One thing to remember is that if a service provider is compromised, and a hacker has accessed the ‘back end’ and managed to pull off 100’s or 1000’s of details they will most likely post these on the Dark Web for anyone to purchase.

Best Practice for using passwords

  1. Never write them down or record them anywhere (this includes the book that says Password on it or even worse the file on your computer called password)
  2. Never use a password for more than 1 service or site at a time.
  3. Use a randomly generated password. I like using nursery rhythms for this. If you take the first line of Jack and Jill, you could have a password like J&Jwuah2fapow. (Note I don’t use this one)

So that is best practice but for most of use even remembering which rhythm we used for which site would mean we would probably end up hitting the reset password every time we logged in.

So, we all ignore the best practice advice above and

  1. Write them down
  2. Use the same password for multiple (or even all) log on.
  3. Use our pets name and a number and special case character (Probably an exclamation Mark) Fluffy2022!

Some of your team will be using weak passwords, or their passwords will be on a post it notes on their monitor!  Look around when no one is in and see who the weak link may be in your IT Security!

What is the answer you ask?

As you can guess implementing a password manager is the answer. Almost all password managers work across all the major platforms (Windows, Macs, iOS and Android).

With this clever piece of software, you will be able to produce truly random passwords. Which can be as long as you want them to be and use number, lower-case and upper-case letters, along with special characters #~$^

The software can also be set up to automatically fill in the details when it comes to the site or service you are trying to connect to.

What is the downside of using this?

You still need a master password to access this, and of course humans being humans the temptation of using a weak (relatively weak) password is still too tempting.

A good password manager will also utilise Multi Factor authentication.

Even with the downside taken into account using a password manager is much better than not using one.

They make live a lot easier for us, whilst keeping us much safer. If you want to know which password manager we use, please contact us.

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ICT excellence in Education

School ICT Support and Services

We’ve been really busy recently with our Education customers. So I thought I would jot down some ramblings of why we’ve been successfully winning contracts.

  • We don’t treat these Academies, or schools any differently to any of our business clients, we provide the same reliable speedy service regardless of our clients being a school, or any business.
  • We love working within schools to help teachers use technology to improve the learning outcomes of the pupils.
  • Multi Academy Trusts like our services we can help in cost reductions.
  • We can help design a strategy, as well as providing first class support.
  • We help the Trust to stay on track, by designing a long term plan. Helping them budget for the future.

With this in mind we have been on a bit of a crusade recently, and have grown from 1 school to pushing to 20 schools (at time of writing).

What to do next?

How does this help you, well we are currently looking for even more Schools and Multi academy trusts in Devon and Cornwall who’s currently ICT Support agreement expires in the summer, or before.

I think we are really good, but don’t take my word for it. Read the thoughts of the CEO of our first MAT here.

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Facial Recognition In The Classroom

Use of facial recognition

Picture showing facial recognition A school in Hangzhou, capital of the eastern province of Zhejiang, is reportedly using facial recognition software to monitor pupils and teachers.

Intelligent Classroom Behaviour Management System

The facial recognition software is part of what has been dubbed The “intelligent classroom behaviour management system”. The reason for the use of the system is reported to be to supervise both the students’ learning, and the teachers’ teaching.


The system uses cameras to scan classrooms at Hangzhou No. 11 High School every 30 seconds. These cameras are part of a facial recognition system that is reported to be able to record students’ facial expressions. And categorize them into happy, angry, fearful, confused, or upset.

The system, which acts as a kind of ‘virtual teaching assistant’, is also believed to be able to record students’ actions such as writing, reading, raising a hand, and even sleeping at a desk.

The system also measures levels of attendance by using a database of pupils’ faces and names to check who is in the classroom.

As well as providing the school with added value monitoring of pupils. It may also prove to be a motivator for pupils to modify their behaviour to suit the rules of the school and the expectations of staff.

Teachers Watched Too

In addition to monitoring pupils, the system has also been designed to monitor the performance of teachers in order to provide pointers on how they could improve their classroom technique.

Safety, Security and Privacy

One other reason why these systems are reported to be increasing in popularity in China is to provide greater safety for pupils by recording and deterring violence and questionable practices at Chinese kindergartens.

In terms of privacy and security, the vice principal of the Hangzhou No.11 High School is reported to have said that the privacy of students is protected because the technology doesn’t save images from the classroom, and stores data on a local server rather than on the cloud. Some critics have, however, said that storing images on a local server does not necessarily make them more secure.


If the experiences of the facial recognition software that has been used by UK police forces is anything to go by. There may be questions about the accuracy of what the Chinese system records. For example, an investigation by campaign group Big Brother Watch, the UK’s Information Commissioner, Elizabeth Denham, has recently said that the Police could face legal action if concerns over accuracy and privacy with facial recognition systems are not addressed.

What Does This Mean For Your Business?

There are several important aspects to this story. Many UK businesses already use their own internal CCTV systems as a softer way of monitoring and recording staff behaviour. And as a way to modify their behaviour i.e. simply by knowing their being watched. Employees could argue that this is intrusive to an extent, and that a more positive way of getting the right kind of behaviour should (also) have a system that rewards positive / good behaviour and good results.

Using intelligent facial recognition software could clearly have a place in many businesses for monitoring customers / service. It could be used to enhance security. It could also, as in the school example, be used to monitor staff in any number of situations, particularly those where concentration is required and where positive signals need to be displayed to customers. These systems could arguably increase productivity, improve behaviour and reduce hostility / violence in the workplace, and provide a whole new level of information to management that could be used to add value.

However, it could be argued that using these kinds of systems in the workplace could make people feel as though ‘big brother’ is watching them. And could lead to underlying stress, and could have big implications where privacy and security rights are concerned. It remains to be seen how these systems are justified, regulated and deployed in future. And how concerns over accuracy, cost-effectiveness, and personal privacy and security are dealt with.

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Half of UK Manufacturers Hit By Cyber Attacks

Hacker in a hoodieA new report published by manufacturers’ organisation EEF in partnership with insurance firm AIG and the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) shows that 48% of UK manufacturers have been subject to a cyber-security incident at some time.

Loss and Disruption

Half of those manufacturing companies who admit to being hit by cyber-criminals have said that the incident(s) caused financial loss or disruption to business.


The report highlighted several key challenges that the manufacturing industry faces in making itself less vulnerable to cyber-criminals. These challenges include:

  • The age of equipment and the networked nature of production facilities. Many industrial systems are up to 20 years old and were developed before cyber threats became a big issue. As a result, poorly protected office systems, often the first implemented historically within manufacturing businesses, are particularly vulnerable. Also, a networked building, such as many manufacturing sites, can be hacked and exploited.
  • Many manufacturing companies hold a large amount of classified information e.g. intellectual property (IP) and trade secrets, which makes them targets for (for example) financially motivated, state-sponsored hackers.
  • Having no idea of the nature and size of the risks. 41% of manufacturing companies don’t believe they have access to enough information to assess their true cyber risk, and 12% of manufacturers admit they have no technical or managerial processes in place to even start assessing the real risk.
  • A lack of basic detection that a cyber attack is taking place / has taken place, and a lack of investment in training i.e. 34% do not offer cyber-security training.
  • Feeling that they are not equipped to tackle the risk anyway. For example, 45% are not confident they are prepared with the right tools for the job.
  • A lack of confidence. Although 91% of the 170 UK manufacturing businesses polled are investing in digital technologies, 35% think that cyber vulnerability is inhibiting them from doing so fully.

What Does This Mean For Your Business?

For manufacturing businesses facing the very real threat of sophisticated, multi-level attacks, now is not the time to be left with a vulnerable outdated system. Advice from the report includes following the advice of the Government backed ‘Cyber Essentials’ scheme. This includes the 5 security essentials of using a firewall to secure your Internet connection, choosing the most secure settings for your devices and software, controlling who has access to your data and services, protecting yourself from viruses and other malware by using antivirus software, only downloading apps from manufacturer-approved stores, or running apps and programs in an isolated environment, and continually ensuring that operating systems and software are up-to-date and running the latest security patches.
Clearly, manufacturing companies with old systems may need to bite the bullet and invest in more modern, digitised, and well-protected systems. The report also indicates that greater investment in staff training is needed to help them spot and deal with risks, and to avoid the kind of human error that is needed in many modern cyber-attacks e.g. malware / viruses sent by email, phishing, and other social engineering attacks.
Another opportunity for manufacturing companies to boost cyber-security could also come from cyber-insurance. For example, many cyber insurers offer a comprehensive package of pre-loss services to businesses to carry out a cyber health check which could help to highlight gaps in cyber risk management and help identify what security measures should be prioritised.
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