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Content and DNS Filtering

What is it

What do they do and why is it important.

Lets start with content filtering. Content filtering prevents websites from being accessed. Most solutions will use website categories that are then either blocked or allowed. But most solutions will allow you to allow certain groups of people to access certain category of website (Marketing could acccess Social Media). However you might also allow everyone to access social media over their lunch break.

By doing this you are achieving 2 things, firstly you are preventing employees from wasting time, doing stuff they shouldn’t. But it is also helping you to protect employees from stuff online they shouldn’t really be accessing.

DNS Filtering, unlike content filtering where websites are blocked based on the categorisation of the content, this is blocking the site, because of the DNS (The Domain Name) for instance with our solution we block all new domains, and restrict access to domains upto 30 days from registration. We do this because it helps prevent phishing attacks. Imagine you receive a phishing email, and you click on the link, but instead of getting a webpage that looks like something you should sign in to, you end up with a blocked page site.

If you want to know more please contact us

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