ICT excellence in Education

We’ve been really busy recently with our Education customers. So I thought I would jot down some ramblings of why we’ve been successfully winning contracts.
- We don’t treat these Academies, or schools any differently to any of our business clients, we provide the same reliable speedy service regardless of our clients being a school, or any business.
- We love working within schools to help teachers use technology to improve the learning outcomes of the pupils.
- Multi Academy Trusts like our services we can help in cost reductions.
- We can help design a strategy, as well as providing first class support.
- We help the Trust to stay on track, by designing a long term plan. Helping them budget for the future.
With this in mind we have been on a bit of a crusade recently, and have grown from 1 school to pushing to 20 schools (at time of writing).
What to do next?
How does this help you, well we are currently looking for even more Schools and Multi academy trusts in Devon and Cornwall who’s currently ICT Support agreement expires in the summer, or before.
I think we are really good, but don’t take my word for it. Read the thoughts of the CEO of our first MAT here.