Monthly Guide Videos
Every month we focus on an aspect of business technology. If you see anything that you want more information about, or help in implementing anything then call us on 01752 546867.
Microsoft 365 Premium
You use everything in Microsoft 365 to run your business, but would it make sense to move to Microsoft 365 Premium, we explore more in this weeks video.
Windows 10 is End of Life this year
Windows 10 is going end of life this year, we explore more in this weeks video.
Unused Logins!
Do you remove logins, when a member of staff leaves? I mean what could go wrong, we explore more in this weeks video.
Is it time for a Hardware Upgrade
Is your hardware still able to support your business? we explore more in this weeks video.
In this video we explain the difference between VoIP and Cloud Telephones
Email Signatures – what are the risks?
We all have them but what are the risks, and what can you do about them.
Cyber Security Training
This is an important and often overlooked aspect of Cyber Security. Find out why you need it.
Do you backup? but do you do the checks you should be?
Email Security
In this video we explore the importance of email security
Support Contract
What do you gain by having an IT Support Contract
Cyber Crime and Young Employees
This week we explore if younger members of staff have a different attitude to Cyber Crime?
Email Protection
This month we look at your email protection, Email is the route most hackers use when trying to gain access to your systems.
Cyber Security
Moving IT Services to the cloud, is what all businesses have either done or will be doing shortly, but have you thought about your cyber security, we explore that this month.
Password Managers
This month we take a deeper dive on the benefits of using a password manager in your business.
Phishing Guide
This month we take a deeper look at phishing scams, what to look, and exactly how dangerous this is.
Video Call Setup.
Is your Video Call setup the best it can be? this month we have a look at what you can do to get the most out of your setup.
Turn Team Off on startup
Do you want to focus when you start your day, then disable teams form starting on startup. This video will show you how.
Microsoft Lists.
Have you heard of microsoft lists, our latest video will help explain why you should use this app.
Webcam protection
There is a big increase in webcams being compromised. Our latest video explains how you can protect yourself.
Would any of your staff actually click that link?
There’s a cyber-crime called phishing.
It’s a major pain.
Criminals send emails pretending to be someone they’re not, hoping one of your people will click a link and accidentally give them access to your data.
Do you think your team would spot a phishing email?
Here’s an easy way to check.
If you use a password manager, switch off the inbuilt one in your browser.
We always recommend you use an external password manager. And if you do, disable the built-in one offered within Chrome.
Here’s why – and how to do it.
What is multi-factor authentication?
Multi-factor authentication is where you use another method as WELL as your password to login.
Our new video explains what it is, how it works, and why you really, really want to start using it in your business.
The data security equivalent of leaving your doors open!
We all take great care to keep our homes & businesses secure.
Yet some business owners and managers don’t have the same attitude towards their business’s data security.
Which is MAD. Because there are a lot more people trying to access your business’s data, than hoping to steal your TV.
Here are four key ways to improve your business’s data security.
Which of these phishing scams have you heard of?
You’ve heard of phishing, we’re sure.
But what about vishing? And smishing? And whaling?
We explore each one in our brand new video. The more you and your staff are aware , the better protects you will be.
Take our 60 minute security challenge
We’re the local data security experts. And one of the things our team prides itself on, is quickly finding ways that hackers could damage your business.
In fact, if you give us just 60 minutes, we’re confident we’d find something wrong with your IT setup that places your data security at risk.
Watch our new video to find out more – then contact us to start your 60 minute security challenge.